Upgate Door | Automatic Door Turkey

1 Call Us! +90 312 351 04 64
2 info@upgatedoor.com

For Automatic Door applications, you can use the above communication channels for price, information, offer and support.

Working Hours

Mon-Fri 9:00 - 19:00
Saturday - 9:00 - 18:00
Sunday Holiday!

Human Resources Policy

Forward, based on ethical values, open to development, entrepreneurial, innovative, set goals and high for these purposes working in efficiency; Our main principle is to ensure the continuity of being a company that is open to cooperation, and will be happy to work for individuals..

To apply for the positions of our production and management departments ik@upgatedoor.com You can send your CV to the e-mail address.

automatic door turkey


We consider everything from the production stage to the assembly in order to ensure the long life of our applications.

automatic door turkey


We are constantly new to our products, productions and all our stages. With our R & D studies, we use better and newest technologies.

Automatic Doors


We are subject to Accredited Tests such as durability, continuity and working life, which you never know about.



We never have the standard business concepts. Sales or After Sales always give quick answers instantly.


  • Customer
  • Quality
  • R & D
  • Innovation
  • Growth