Upgate Door | Automatic Door Turkey

1 Call Us! +90 312 351 04 64
2 info@upgatedoor.com

For Automatic Door applications, you can use the above communication channels for price, information, offer and support.

Working Hours

Mon-Fri 9:00 - 19:00
Saturday - 9:00 - 18:00
Sunday Holiday!

Door Applications for Military Areas

Automatic Door Applications for Military Areas

Automatic door applications are used in buildings where high security is needed, such as military area entry-exit areas and basic building areas.

Types of doors that we have implemented for Military Areas

  • Photocell Doors
  • Revolving Doors
  • Fast PVC Doors
  • Fire Shutters
  • Automatic Shutters
  • Sectional Doors
  • Road Blocker
  • Automatic Door Applications for Military Areas