Upgate Door | Automatic Door Turkey

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Loading Ramps

Automatic Industrial Door

Loading ramp can be in different sizes and it can work in ± 31 cm range. The ramp is placed in a pit during or after construction. Project support is provided for the correct preparation of the pit. This support is in progress as well as after sales.

It is called the loading system, which is used for factory and warehouse loading and unloading, which can be used in order to equalize the level of the factory level with the truck, with ramps that can be lifted onto the forklift and the loading-unloading area from external effects, and to prevent heat losses. Ramps can be assembled after construction if required. All kinds of information required to create the correct ramp bearing are available in our sales team.

Loading Bellows

Due to the different dimensions of the loading and unloading openings of a tank and docking truck, intervals occur and they must be closed effectively. This way the goods are protected from the drafts, rain and wind. Rain water is flowed out side by side with an integrated rain gutter. Energy is a positive side effect.

The loading bellows are delivered in three parts, so that they can be fixed to the façade without creating excessive burdens. The advantage of this structure is that it saves money and saves time.